FrontYa HEIT

Home Equity Investment TrustTM

  • Targeting 2.5x the growth of the Australian property market
  • Lower risk through a diversified investment portfolio
  • Allocated into select high growth homes, backed by AI tech
Suburban house

15% Average IRR

    Expected IRR between 12-18%

Satellite image of streets
Satellite image of streets
Target Return
Australian Residential
Property Index
Historical Performance
ASX 200
Accumulation Index


Across a target of 300 properties (minimum is 100)

Capital Growth

Capital Growth

Realised over a 4-7 year hold period

Cashflow received as properties repay their funding and upside.

From $100 invested: $1-14 expected in years 1-3, $35-70 expected in years 4-6.

Register Your Interest

How does the FrontYa HEIT access the property market?

FrontYa provides half the upfront costs to help aspirational homebuyers purchase a home. FrontYa carefully selects customers and properties to achieve the fund’s investment mandate. See how the product works here

This page is prepared by FrontYa Pty Ltd and contains general information only. The FrontYa Home Equity Investment Trust (HEIT) has not been established or in operation. Once launched, investors will need to consider the FrontYa HEIT disclosure document which will be made available here (expected mid 2025) and consider the appropriateness of the information in view of your objectives, financial situation and needs. Investors should also seek independent professional advice before making any financial decisions. All investments, including in the FrontYa HEIT, involve risk which can lead to no or lower than expected returns, or a loss of part or all of your capital. *Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance. Target or projected returns are not guaranteed returns.